of Egypt wake up!
How can you let yourselves be utterly dominated by men? Have you no dignity?
Do you think that it is written in the Coran that men should be able to molest, sexually harass and abuse women (and here I am addressing myself to the 90% of Muslims in Egypt)? For 85% of women in Egypt have admitted to suffering from sexual harassment. The men think women like that, they even call it flirt because they know no other way (they learn everything from porn).
When you think of the 60's and 70's, when Egyptian women didn't cover themselves up, they wore short skirts and dresses. They would walk side by side with men in the streets and discuss freely about anything....Where is all that??
Now you get massive rapes, collective raping in public places, have you seen the videos? Hundreds of men around one or two women in central places of cities and of course the cops do nothing.
Let’s talk about women clitoris excision... apparently this dates from the pharaohs but it was banned in 2008 after a video of a small girl's excision, done in horrible conditions (and that's how most of these operations are performed), circulated on the web. The new government is talking about reinstating this barbarous practice. The salafistes say and i quote: "the clitoris is an outgrowth that can cause medical problems so it is better removed" (taken from a documentary that i will include as soon as i find it again) and according to them, women who have been excised are less probable to cheat on their husbands and are not easy to get girls.....
Such people need to be educated, it's not possible to believe such things in the 21rst century when internet is available almost everywhere.
Women, you have to get organised, you have to find a way to communicate. Gather and march to the Parliament or any other governing administration and show your 'fed upness'!!!
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